5th Anniversary Ceremony cum Installation Ceremony

4 July 2020

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony

CP Sally had introduced all PDGs, District Officers, Presidents of 2019- 20, Presidents of 2020-21 and all guests.

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


President Thomas 2020-21 welcomed all distinguished guests coming to our 5th Anniversary Ceremony cum Installation Ceremony.

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


Charter President Sally delivered a brief introduction on the club service projects and activities in Rotary Year 2019-20.

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony

DG Wilson 2019-20 delivered words of wisdom to all participants at the 5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony of Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


DG Wilson had presented the District Awards certificates to Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong and extended his congratulation to all club members for the great achievement.  

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


DG Wilson has presented the “Top Six Outstanding President with Distinction” District Award to CP Sally and congratulated her on the great performances in the Rotary Year 2019-20

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony

We were with DG Wilson to receive all District Awards in Rotary Year 2019-20

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


We received the banners from District Foundation Chair PDG Jones Wong for being 100% “Every Rotarian Every Year” club and contribution to RI Foundation on Polio Fund.  

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


Our club 5th Anniversary Cake

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony

We celebrated our 5th Anniversary with DG Wilson 2019-20, DG Eric 2020-21, PDGs, District Officers, all Presidents and guests.

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


CP Sally had presented the souvenirs to all members as a vote of thanks for the great efforts they made through the Rotary Year.

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


President Thomas 2020-21 had presented a souvenir to CP Sally as a token of thanks for her dedicated efforts in supporting the club and all members.

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony

Installation Ceremony: CP Sally had handed over the President Sage to DG Wilson 2019-20 who would give it to DG Eric 2020-21 to complete the Installation Ceremony. 

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


Installation Ceremony: DG Wilson 2019-20 had passed the President Sage to DG Eric 2020-21

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


DG Eric 2020-21 had handed over the President Sage to President Thomas 2020-21 President Thomas 2020-21 had presented a souvenir to CP Sally as a token of thanks for her dedicated efforts in supporting the club and all members.

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony

Congratulations to President Thomas who took up the role of President in Rotary Year 2020-21. 

5th Anniversary Celebration cum Installation Ceremony


Group Photo of District Officers and all members