Rotary E-Club of Tamar HK
2021-22 President
Ivan Hon
I am proud to be a Rotarian! It is indeed a very great honor for me to be the President of the Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong in Rotary Year 2021-2022, and with the help and support of my Board members and fellow Club members. Although we are facing the dire conditions during Covid-19 pandemic, I trust my teammates will do our best to meet the challenge. Our club has been built on a strong leadership foundation, and I am fortunate to have a membership that is fully committed to the Rotary ideal of “Service Above Self”, and continues to go the extra mile in building the club, and carrying out the many worthwhile projects that we undertake for the benefit of our community.
I would also like to congratulate each of the new Board members. Our fellow club members have shown their confidence in you and me by electing us to our respective positions, and I look forward to serving with you. I have already seen the energy, enthusiasm, and commitment that you bring to the Board.
Our President of Rotary International, Shekhar Mehta, selected the theme "Serve to Change Lives" for Rotary Year 2021-22. As District Governor Keith Chow reminded us an old Chinese saying: “Love others’ elderly as you would love your own; Care about others’ children as you would care about your own.” When you love, when you care, eventually you will be more than willing to serve. The true meaning of our theme is “Serve to Change Lives - the lives of you and me.
”There are many needy people throughout our community during Covid-19 pandemic. Let us join together as one and serve our community!