We had invited CP Amy Yeung of RC of Elite Orient to be our speaker at the meeting with topic: “What Behind the Scene of a Beauty Queen’s Selection- Motivational, Aspirational, Joyful & Bitter Experiences”. We also invited IPDG YC Ho to speak on the topic: “District Rotaract Support Fund”. There were lots of August Birthday Stars such as PP John Wong, PE Thomas Chan, Rupert Wan and Marco Chan and we celebrated the Birthday with them. The meeting concluded with lots of fellowship among Rotarians and friends.

Group Photo: CP Sally with IPDG YC Ho, CP Amy, PP Herman, PE Thomas, all members and other visiting Rotarians and friends.

CP Sally started the club meeting and sang the Rotary Song together with all Rotarians.

All Rotarians were standing up and singing Rotary Song together.

CP Sally had presented the coming club service projects and activities to all members, visiting Rotarians and friends.

IPDG YC introduced the District Rotaract Support Fund.

Our Program Chair PP John had introduced the speaker CP Amy Yeung to us.

CP Amy shared with us on topic: “What Behind the Scene of a Beauty Queen’s Selection- Motivational, Aspirational, Joyful & Bitter Experiences”

We celebrated the Birthday for PP John, PE Thomas, Rupert and Marco.

We had fellowship together after the club meeting.