Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong had arranged a Joint Clubs Meeting with Rotary Club of Harmony and Prosperity and Rotary Club of Green Hong Kong which was held on 9 September, 2019 at Royal Garden Hotel. There were nearly 50 Rotarians and friends attending the meeting. We had invited Mr. Kenneth Li, who is the Vice Chair of Hong Kong Rice Importers and Exporters Association to be speaker. He shared the history of the Rice imported to Hong Kong and exported to other countries. He also showed the different kinds of rice and how we could select the good rice for our cooking. We took this opportunity to connect with each other and we celebrated the Birthday for Birthday Stars of September and October. The meeting concluded with joy and laughter.

Group Photo: President Stephen Chua of RC of Harmony & Prosperity, President Ken Yeung of RC of Green Hong Kong, CP Sally of Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong, Speaker Kenneth Li, all Rotarians and friends.

We had invited Kenneth Li to be our speaker at our Joint Clubs Meeting.

Speaker Kenneth Li had shared the history of rice to us.

Speaker Kenneth had showed us different kinds of rice.

We were at the Joint Clubs Meeting.

CP Sally had welcomed all Rotarians and friends attending the meeting & had a brief report for her club.

President Stephen had a brief report for his club and introduced speaker Kenneth Li.

We exchanged banners among ourselves.

We had connected with each other and all Rotarians.

We celebrated the Birthday with Birthday Stars of September and October 2019.

Happy Birthday to all Birthday Stars and Many Happy Returns!

We enjoyed the fellowship at the meeting.