We arrived at the Hong Kong Convention Exhibition Centre attending for the District Installation.

All Presidents 2019-20 and 2020-21 of Area 8 together with District Officers ready to match into the hall for installation ceremony.
From Left: President Raymond 2019-20; President Carmen 2020-21; President Fiona 2020-21; President Thomas 2020-21; President CP Sally 2019-20; AG Cassy 2020-21; President Lief 2020-21; President Rosa 2020-21; President Stephen 2019-20; AG Dicken 2019-20 & President Allan 2019-20

CP Sally and President Thomas 2020-21 were matching into the hall.

District Installation Ceremony for all Presidents.

President CP Sally and President Thomas 2020-21 were on stage with other Presidents of Area 8 for Installation Ceremony.

Presidents 2019-20 had celebrated the District Installation with singing performance.

DG Wilson Cheng 2019-20 was on stage with all Presidents singing few songs to celebrate this memorable and happy moment.

Congratulations to President Thomas taking the role of the President in Rotary Year 2020-21. Let’s work together to have another successful and enjoyable Rotary Year.

All Presidents 2020-21 were so excited and singing together with DG Eric Chak 2020-21 to celebrate the installation.

We were ready to have the singing performance with DG Eric Chak 2020-21 and all Presidents 2020-21.

Group Photo: DG Eric Chak with all Presidents 2020-21

CP Sally and President Thomas at the table with all club members.

DAG Sally with DG Eric Chak 2020-21