District Rotaract Project Closing Ceremony and Exhibition
15 May 2022 Sunday
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Venue: 1/F, Youth Platform, Youth Square, Chai Wan

District Service Project 2021-22 : “Let’s Speak Up”

An overview of Mental Wellness Journey.

District Governor Keith Chow delivered the words of wisdom to all participants.

District Rotaract Representative Luffy Chan delivered a vote of thanks to all.

District Rotaract Chair Henry Wong, Past District Rotaract Chair Sally Ho, Past District Rotaract Chair Vincent Ng and Past District Rotaract Chair Menza Chu received the souvenir from DSP Organizing Committee.

District Governor Keith Chow and other District Officers received souvenir from DSP Organizing Committee as a vote of thanks for support.

President Ivan Hon received the souvenir from DSP Organizing Committee.

District Governor Keith Chow and President Ivan Hon.

From Left: Lok Chan, President Ivan Hon, Past District Governor Eugene Fong and Assistant Governor/Past District Rotaract Chair Sally Ho.

We are with District Governor Elect Norman Lee, District Governor Nominee Designate Nigel Lo, our club Honorable Member Past District Rotaract Chair Vincent Ng.

From Left: President Ivan Hon, District Rotaract Elect Wayne Lai and Assistant Governor Sally Ho.