Name of District Event: Rotary Opens Membership Opportunities Forum
Date of Online Forum: 22 August 2020 from 2:00 pm. to 5:30 p.m.
Description: President Thomas and CP Sally had attended the “Rotary Opens Membership Opportunities Forum” on 22 Aug 2020 with an aim to get insight to retain existing members and recruit new members. There was a total of 385 registrants. It was innovative to have first ever online training in our District 3450 and conducted in both English and Chinese. The Power Talk was presented by RI President Holger Knaack. The OC team had also invited guest speaker Cara Steestra to share the topic: “Breakthrough & Leapfrog in your 30s. There were 6 Breakout Sessions that Rotarians could attend and all were informative and inspiring.
Topic of Six Breakout sessions as follows:
1. How to grow membership organically?
Convenor: DGE Keith Chow
Panelist: PP Michael Chan & PAG Munkhjargal Ayurzana
2. Satellite Clubs- Myths & Success Stories
Convenor: PDG H W Fung
Panelists: AG Anna Or, President Candy Cheung and Chair Terence Lau
3. Why Rotaractors Become Rotarians
Convenor: DRC Anita Chan; DRR Alan Yip
Panelists: DDRC Deegii Bayarsaikhan, PP Andy Li, PP Sam Ip
Attract Members via a Digital Platform
Convenor: DGN Norman Lee
Panelists: CP Joseph Leung, PP Brendon Wong, IPP Elsa Wong
Embrace Synergy between Rotarians & Toastmasters
Convenor: PDG Kenneth Wong
Panelists: Mr. Wilson Yau- District Director of Toastmaster International D89; PP Agnes Lau
Opportunities for Rotarians to Connect the World- Virtual Rotary Exchange Program
Convenor: PDG YK Cheng
Panelists: PP Silva Yeung; PP Stella Kan; PP Helen Or

Poster for Rotary Opens Membership Opportunities Forum on 22 August 2020

District Membership Committee Co-Chairs: PDG Kenneth Wong and PDG HW Fung

DG Eric Chak had delivered the words of wisdom to us

DGE Keith Chow was responsible for one of the Breakout Session: “How to grow membership organically?”

President Thomas and CP Sally had attended the online forum with the aim to get more insight for retaining and recruiting members

PDG Kenneth was in charge of the Breakout Session: “Embrace Synergy between Rotarians & Toastmasters”