Giving Masks to Lombardy Italy
Date of Project: 3 April 2020
Project Objective:
In view of the spreading severely of COVID-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy, we had ordered 8,000 masks through Government of Zhongshan in Mainland China and sent to hospitals in Lombardy through RI D2042 in Lombardy on 3 April, 2020. We got some sponsors from friends, Rotarians from RC of Suzhou, China to donate masks together. The boxes of masks had arrived in Lombardy on 7 April. DG Giuseppe Navarini and Rotarians had helped to distribute the masks to hospitals on 20 April. Masks were suitable to general medical staff with 3 ply disposable in accordance with EN 14683 standard.
Project Objective:
In view of the spreading severely of COVID-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy, we had ordered 8,000 masks through Government of Zhongshan in Mainland China and sent to hospitals in Lombardy through RI D2042 in Lombardy on 3 April, 2020. We got some sponsors from friends, Rotarians from RC of Suzhou, China to donate masks together. The boxes of masks had arrived in Lombardy on 7 April. DG Giuseppe Navarini and Rotarians had helped to distribute the masks to hospitals on 20 April. Masks were suitable to general medical staff with 3 ply disposable in accordance with EN 14683 standard.