Joint International Service Project: “Rotary Feeding Action 扶輪樂糧行動”
Date: 21 Sep to 23 Oct 2022
It is a joint international service project partnered with RC of Quirino Manila Central, RC of Macau Central and RC of Taitung Chun Shan. There was a big fire in Sampaloc Manila that all houses there were burned. With the helping hands from members and volunteers of RC of Quirino Manila Central, we were able to serve 78 people who were living in the street under tent with full lunch and dinner for a week. This would make their lives more easily during this challenging period.

Members and volunteers of RC of Quirino Manila Central had arranged the lunch and dinner sets for the fire victims in Sampaloe Manila.

The fire victims were happy to know that Rotarians had provided them with food during this period.

The site after the fire.

All the houses were burned after the big fire.