Rotary Giving Masks to the Community 扶輪社區齊抗疫
23 August to 3 September 2021
Name of Service Project: Rotary Giving Masks to the Community 扶輪社區齊抗疫
Date: 23 August to 3 September 2021
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Co-organizer: The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention
Project Description:
We donated 5,250 pieces of masks to The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention on 23 August to the beneficiaries who were ex-offenders and family members located in 7 centers. They came from low income families and some had lost their job during the period of economic downturn and COVID-19 pandemic. The person in charge and 21 volunteers had distributed the masks to beneficiaries within the period from 23 August to 3 September 2021.

Assistant Governor/Charter President Sally with Lok Chan and Edith delivered 105 boxes of masks to The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention. From Left: Lok Chan, Brian Wong, AG/CP Sally Ho, Edith Tang and Winnie of SRACP.

105 boxes of masks