Rotary Online Health & Peace Kitchen 扶輪善導喜迎營之健康網上顯厨藝
August to October 2021
Co-organizer: The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention
Date: 1 Aug 2021 to 30 Oct 2021
Project Description:
We served 60 beneficiaries who were ex-offenders & their family members. We demonstrated society care through health online cooking competition. We promoted the importance of a healthy diet/lifestyle to the beneficiaries. The online cooking competition component involves 24 teams, 2-3 participants per team with a total of 60 participants. Each team received a multifunctional cooker as a prize, and prepared the dish via this multi-functional cooker. We limited the budget, while requiring the use of healthy ingredients, to promote healthy yet cost-effective eating. We judged each team based on healthy value, appearance of the dishes and the story behind the dishes etc. We gave supermarket coupons to the first runner up and second runner up winners other than the multi-functional cooker for each participant team.

Group Photo - President Ivan Hon, Immediate Past District Governor Eric Chak, Assistant Governor/Charter President Sally Ho, Chief Executive Anthea Lee and staff of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Hong Kong, members and volunteers of Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong.

We exercised our team work to pack all sanitary items and food into the recycling bags. We will distribute to the winners on the closing ceremony.

Immediate Past District Governor Eric Chak delivered words of wisdom to us at the service project closing ceremony.

President Ivan Hon addressed a welcome speech to all participants.

The healthy dishes from the participants.

The judges had zoom meeting discussing and selecting the winners of the service project: “Rotary Online Healthy and Peace Kitchen”.

President Ivan Hon and Dennis of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Hong Kong presented the certificate of appreciation to nutritionist Past President Kenness Ng for being the judge at the online cooking competition.